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Private Session Policies

When you book a private session with me, you are agreeing to abide by the policies that are presented here.

Please take a moment to read through this page and if you have any questions, please reach out to me. I would be happy to clarify and explain any of the points here. 


I will not alter or change my policies and unless you receive a change in writing, signed by me, the policies here will take precedence.​

Here is my commitment to you.

I take my work seriously, I believe that it’s what God intended for me to do in this life.


As a practitioner I keep my energy clear and on the highest vibration I can reach. My spiritual beliefs are the core of who I am and I do my best to live by them. I believe in Karma and life after death. I understand consequences. I channel Spirit Guides and Angels. Part of our agreement is that I pass on what I receive from them. I have made a commitment to this work on a soul level and I take it seriously because each and every time I sit down to a session my soul growth is on the line.


I believe 100% in what I do. Thousands of clients have found my sessions to be profound, helpful or uplifting. I’ve been doing readings professionally since 1982.

I feel very grateful to be of service.

This means that if I do not feel something, or have an answer to your question, I will tell you that I don’t know. If you are one of the rare people that I just can’t read, I will tell you that and refund your money. If you feel in the first ten minutes that I'm way off base and you tell me, I will refund your money. It's important to me that we are both satisfied with the service you receive.

A word about Mediumship.

If a loved one who has passed is not in the room, or I can’t feel them, I'll tell you. This is why I don’t charge for Mediumship. Come for a reading and if I connect with someone I’ll tell you but I make no promises, no one can. Mediumship is a conversation between two parties over a great space that takes skill on both sides of the equation. I will keep your contact information for 72 hours after a session in case I get a late night visitor with a message for you.


Yes, it does happen.


As with any Psychic Reading, the messages and information that I pass onto you have been filtered through me to you. My perception of what I am feeling, how I translate that into words, how you hear the message, can all cause distortions in the message.


For these reasons, what I say to you in a session is only my opinion. I don’t expect or want you to blindly act on it. We all are given the gift of free will. It is your responsibility to feel and think for yourself. Keep what works and makes sense to you. Throw the rest away. You are responsible for your own decisions and actions.


I take no responsibility for your actions, attitudes or beliefs.

“Readings are for fun and entertainment only”.

For many years on the road, we used to put a sign on the front table at each show that said “Readings are for fun and entertainment only”. Our lawyer insisted on this to protect everyone from liability. I feel that this is a good way to approach a reading. We must all make our own choices, I can guide you but you must decide for yourself, which path is best for you.

A Reading can’t be split between two people.

When you choose to have a reading with more than one service, those services must be used by one person only. It takes time and energy to create the foundation of a reading and there is overlap. Adding an additional item takes less time than it would to do a split.

Some clients in the past have become very frequent visitors, I don't believe this is good for the client.

Now, I only read for a client twice a year, unless you are in crisis and need the extra support. This must be discussed in advance of additional bookings and this policy does not apply to Life Coach sessions. I am willing to help but I am not willing to take advantage or to make your life decisions for you. It is your life path after all, I hope you understand.

Feel free to book your session using your first name only. If you are booking for a group, I don’t want or need everyone’s name, just the number in your group.

​If you would like to record your session please bring along a recording device. Most phones have apps for that now.

Distance Sessions

I use Zoom to do video conferencing and phone sessions. When you book your session please request Video Conferencing as one of the services you would like. I will email you an invitation with directions on how to join the conference call.


If you are not comfortable using Zoom, you may also choose to call me at our scheduled appointment time. You will be responsible for any additional calling fees such as long distance and/or cellular charges.

Other Things to Consider

Cancellation Policy

When you book a session, time is set aside for you that could be used for another client. If you give us 24 hours notice that you are canceling we will refund any deposit on file 100%.


If you cancel within 24 hours or just do not show, we will keep 50% of any deposits on file. If you have an unexpected issue come up, please just contact us! In the event that we can fill your time slot, you will get your full deposit back. If I have some notice, I may waive the fee if you re-book.

Private Coaching

As with any coaching program, your results may vary based on the effort you put into the program.


Only you can choose what works for you. If you are uncomfortable with the coaching plan you may eligible for a partial refund. Any used portion of your package will be recalculated and billed at full session rates. The remainder will be refunded.


You must have given the program a chance by completing at least one session to be eligible for a refund.


All session fees are in Canadian Funds.

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